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Journal Articles
and Book Chapters

Journal Articles

Alemán, Eduardo, Pablo Valdivieso Kastner, and Sebastián Vallejo Vera. (forthcoming). “Speech targetin and Constituency Representation in Open-List Electoral Systems.” Electoral Studies.

Alemán, Eduardo, Tiffany D. Barnes, Juan Pablo Micozzi, and Sebastián Vallejo Vera. (forthcoming). “Gender, Institutions, and Legislative Speech.” Comparative Politics.

Alemán, Eduardo and Andrés Dockendorff. (forthcoming). “Seeking Friends and Influencers: Business and Labor Groups Lobbying in the Chilean Congress.” Business and Politics.

Alemán, Eduardo and Saadet Konak Unal. (2023) . “Penalizing Women MPs: the Approval of Women-Initiated Bills in the Turkish Parliament.” The Journal of Legislative Studies, 1–19.

Alemán, Eduardo, Juan P. Micozzi, and Sebastián Vallejo Vera (2023). “Congressional Committees, Electoral Connections, and Legislative Speech.” Political Research Quarterly, 76(2): 994-1011.

Alemán, Eduardo and Patricio Navia. (2023). “Chile’s Failed Constitution: Democracy Wins.” Journal of Democracy 34(2): 90-104.

Alemán, Eduardo and Juan P. Micozzi. 2022. “Parliamentary Rules, Party Norms, and Legislative Speech.” International Political Science Review, 43(5): 719-729.

Alemán, Eduardo, Nicolás Mimica, and Patricio Navia. 2022 “Bicameral Lawmaking: Analyzing the Choices of Revising Chambers.” Parliamentary Affairs, 75(2): 362-381.

Alemán, Eduardo and Paula Clerici. 2022. “Centrality and Legislative Productivity in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies, 1983-2019.” Revista de Ciencia Política, 42(1): 1-23.

Alemán, Eduardo, José M. Cabezas, and Ernesto Calvo. 2021. “Coalition Incentives and Party Bias in Chile.” Electoral Studies, 72, 102362 (

Alemán, Eduardo, Juan P. Micozzi, Pablo M. Pinto, and Sebastián M. Saiegh. 2021 “Constituency Effects and Legislative Dissent under Closed-List Proportional Representation.” Latin American Politics and Society, 63(2): 78-99.

Alemán, Eduardo, Juan P. Micozzi, Pablo M. Pinto, and Sebastián M. Saiegh. 2018. “Disentangling the Role of Ideology and Partisanship in Legislative Voting: Evidence from Argentina.” Legislative Studies Quarterly, 43(2): 245-273.

Alemán, Eduardo, Juan P. Micozzi, Margarita M. Ramírez. 2018. “The Hidden Electoral Connection: Analyzing Parliamentary Questions in the Chilean Congress.” The Journal of Legislative Studies, 24(2): 227-244.

Alemán, Eduardo, Margarita M. Ramírez, and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2017. “Party Strategies, Constituency Links, and Legislative Speech.” Legislative Studies Quarterly, 42(4): 637-659.

Alemán, Eduardo and Marisa Kellam. 2017. “The Nationalization of Presidential Elections in the Americas.” Electoral Studies, 47: 125-135.

Alemán, Eduardo and Yeaji Kim. 2015. “The Democratizing Effect of Education.” Research & Politics, November 2(4):1–7, DOI: 10.1177/2053168015613360.

Alemán, Eduardo. 2015. “Coauthorship Ties in the Colombian Congress, 2002-2006.” Colombia Internacional, 83(1): 23-42.

Alemán, Eduardo and Sebastián M. Saiegh. 2014. “Political Realignment and Democratic Breakdown in Argentina, 1916-1930.” Party Politics, 20(6): 849-863.

Alemán, Eduardo. 2013. “Latin American Legislative Politics: A Survey of Peer-Reviewed Publications in English.” Journal of Politics in Latin America, 5(1):15-36.

Alemán, Eduardo and Ernesto Calvo. 2013. “Explaining Policy Ties: A Network Analysis of Bill Initiation Data.” Political Studies, 61(2): 356-377.

Alemán, Eduardo, Aldo Ponce, and Iñaki Sagarzazu. 2011. “Legislative Parties in Volatile Non-Programmatic Party Systems: The Peruvian Case in Comparative Perspective.” Latin American Politics and Society, 53(3): 57-81.

Alemán, Eduardo and George Tsebelis. 2011. “Political Parties and Government Coalitions in the Americas.” Journal of Politics in Latin America, 3(1): 3-28.

This article was reprinted in Política, 50(2): 5-32, 2012 [SPANISH - Chile]. 

Alemán, Eduardo and Ernesto Calvo. 2010. “Unified Government, Bill Approval, and the Legislative Weight of the President.” Comparative Political Studies, 43(4): 511-534.

Alemán Eduardo and Patricio Navia. 2009. “Institutions and the Legislative Success of ‘Strong’ Presidents: An Analysis of Government Bills in Chile.” The Journal of Legislative Studies, 15(4):401-419.

Alemán, Eduardo. 2009. “Institutions, Political Conflict, and the Cohesion of Policy Networks in the Chilean Congress, 1961-2006.” Journal of Latin American Studies, 41(3): 467-491.

Alemán, Eduardo, Ernesto Calvo, Mark P. Jones, and Noah Kaplan. 2009. “Comparing Cosponsorship and Roll-Call Ideal Points.” Legislative Studies Quarterly, 34(1):87-116.

Alemán, Eduardo. 2008. “Policy Positions in the Chilean Senate: An Analysis of Coauthorship and Roll Call Data.” Brazilian Political Science Review, 2(2): 74-92.

Alemán, Eduardo and Marisa Kellam. 2008. “The Nationalization of Electoral Change in the Americas.” Electoral Studies, 27(2): 193-212.

Alemán, Eduardo and Mónica Pachón 2008. “Conference Committees in the Legislative Process of Chile and Colombia.” Política & Gobierno, 15(1): 3-33, [SPANISH - Mexico].

Alemán, Eduardo and Sebastián M. Saiegh. 2007. “Legislative Preferences, Political Parties and Coalition Unity in Chile.” Comparative Politics, 39(3): 253-272.

Alemán, Eduardo. 2006. “Policy Gatekeepers in Latin American Legislatures.” Latin American Politics and Society, 48(3): 125-155.

Alemán, Eduardo and Thomas Schwartz. 2006. “Presidential Vetoes in Latin American Constitutions.” Journal of Theoretical Politics, 18(1):98-120.

Tsebelis, George and Eduardo Alemán. 2005 “Presidential Conditional Agenda Setting Power in Latin America.” World Politics, 57(3): 396-420.

This article was reprinted in PostData, 12: 77-106, August 2007 [SPANISH - Argentina]. 

Alemán, Eduardo and George Tsebelis. 2005. “The Origins of Presidential Conditional Agenda Setting Power in Latin America.” Latin American Research Review, 40(2): 3-26.

Book Chapters

Alemán, Eduardo, Juan Pablo Micozzi, and Iñaki Sagarzazu. 2021. “Speech Participation in the Chilean Chamber of Deputies,” in Hanna Back, Marc Debaus, and Jorge M. Fernandes (eds.), The Politics of Legislative Debates Around the World, Oxford University Press.

Alemán, Eduardo and George Tsebelis. 2016. “Introduction: Legislative Institutions and Agenda Setting,” in Eduardo Alemán and George Tsebelis (eds.), Legislative Institutions and Lawmaking in Latin America, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-31.

Alemán, Eduardo and Patricio Navia. 2016. “Presidential Power, Legislative Rules, and Lawmaking in Chile,” in Eduardo Alemán and George Tsebelis (eds.), Legislative Institutions and Lawmaking in Latin America, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 92-121.

Alemán, Eduardo and George Tsebelis. 2016. “Conclusions,” in Eduardo Alemán and George Tsebelis (eds.), Legislative Institutions and Lawmaking in Latin America, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 225-236.

Alemán, Eduardo. 2015. “Legislative Organization and Outcomes,” in Jennifer Gandhi and Rubén Ruiz-Rufino (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions, London: Routledge. Chapter 11, pp. 145-161.

Alemán, Eduardo. 2013. “Reflections on the Effectiveness and Representativeness of the Chilean Congress,” in Moira B. MacKinnon and Ludovico Feoli (eds.), Representativeness and Effectiveness in Latin American Democracies: Congress, Judiciary and Civil Society, Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 21-39.

Alemán, Eduardo. 2009. “Legislative Parties and Sponsorship Networks” in Magna Inácio and Lucio Rennó (eds.) Estudos Legislativos em Perspectiva Comparada, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Press [PORTUGUESE – Brazil]

Alemán, Eduardo and Ernesto Calvo. 2008. “Analyzing Legislative Success in Latin America: The Case of Argentina,” in Guillermo O’Donnell, Joseph S. Tulchin, and Augusto Varas, eds. with Adam Stubits, New Voices in the Study of Democracy in Latin America, Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas No. 19, pp. 7-37.

Alemán, Eduardo and Daniel Treisman. 2005. “Fiscal Politics in ‘Ethnically Mined’, Developing, Federal States: Central Strategies and Secessionist Violence” in Philip G. Roeder and Donald Rothchild (eds.), Sustainable Peace: Power and Democracy after Civil Wars, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp.173-216.

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